Boston FanExpo 2019

Jurassic Park Jeep at Boston FanExpo

For those who aren’t familiar, Boston FanExpo is a three day convention that celebrates all things nerdy. Acknowledging it’s roots, it does have big name comic writers and artists, as well as some that are up and coming. Artist Alley features, like the name sounds, artists who essentially take fan art to a new level. Also, there are merchants selling everything from comics, to clothing, to toys, and everything in between. However, the biggest draw are the celebrities that they bring in. Stan Lee visited, I believe, three times. RIP. Other celebrities have been William Shatner, Elvira, Freddie Prinze Jr., Jeff Goldblum, and Jason Mamoma, just to name a few.

To see the general history of Boston FanExpo please see my post about it here.

How I attended Boston FanExpo this year was different. Typically, I get a hotel, check in Thursday night and check out Sunday. Due to my car needing brakes (thanks Boston traffic), I needed to cancel my hotel this year. Honestly, you have no idea how much this broke my heart.

When I got my brakes fixed, I tried to change my reservation from 3 nights to two. I couldn’t do it online, so I made a new reservation and the next day called to cancel the original one. That’s when I found out that the standard Marriott cancellation policy did not apply. Instead of it being free cancellation, I needed to pay for the cost of 1 night. Nowhere on the website or my emails did it say this. The very nice man on the phone agreed that since I was cancelling a month early, I shouldn’t have to pay. So, he contacted somebody and I got both reservations cancelled for free.  

This left me with a dilemma. One of the reasons I get a hotel is because of parking. How was I going to drive in and know I have a place to park? I could always valet, but then I’d need cash to tip. In comes SpotHero to my rescue. I was able to book parking for Friday and Sunday, but once again I waited too long and got locked out for Saturday. That day I decided to take a Lyft, which was, memorable. I’ll get into that later.

Day 1 – Friday

Finally, the time has come! I enjoyed sleeping in and just working my way into the morning. With the VIP badge, I had early access and was able to get into Boston FanExpo at 2pm. People scoff at the price (and really, it is too expensive, the price jump after FanExpo bought it out was ridiculous), but hardly ever needing to wait in a line is so worth it. I ended up getting there early, so I chilled at the Starbucks in The Westin and then walked over to the VIP entrance.

During those first two hours before it officially started, I got all my shopping done! I had my list, and I think I got all but two items.

My main goal was my list of Pop Funkos. I found a Stitch for my friend to add to her collection. I found the Black Canary I was looking for. And then I found two gems! Captain America with his shield and Mjölnir as well as Fully Masked Bucky from Winter Solider. I have been searching for Bucky for my friend for three years now. She said not to buy it, but the guy gave me a great discount and I did. So, unless she reads this, she doesn’t know I have it. Captain America I had seen online, but debated on buying. That vendor also gave me a discount. Score! Both are rare and were the only ones I saw the entire weekend. Sorry to anybody who got in at 4pm who wanted them.

Scarlet Witch Funko Pop
Scarlet Witch Funko Pops

I ended the first night of Boston FanExpo with two panels: a paranormal panel and a Q&A with Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel. I did this one for a friend and got some great pictures and a video of her singing Part of Your World. Despite not really wanting to see the panel, I’m glad I did. Jodi Benson is a really nice person and was super sweet to a little girl who was there. She got in line to ask a question, and Jodi remembered her from earlier in the day and had her sit on stage with her for the rest of the questions. Her family was sitting in the back, but Jodi wanted her upfront when she sang so she called her back up so she could see. Honestly, not a lot of celebrities would do this and it was great to see.

Jodi Benson at Boston FanExpo
Jodi Benson

Day 2 – Saturday

With all my shopping done, I didn’t really need a head start. However, I did have a photo op with the amazing Stephen Amell at 11am. Knowing I needed to be there around 10:45am, I got a Lyft at 9:30am. After screenshotting the information to my friend in case I got kidnapped, it was actually a good ride. My driver was nice, but I ended up helping him with directions there; he almost missed each exit needed.

Once again, I did not need wait in a long line due to my VIP badge, and got to be the first person for the photo ops. The staging area had no air flow, so I ended up getting gross back sweat and felt horrible when he went to put his arm around my shoulder. I don’t know who looks more awkward in the photo, me or him. Either way, this archer/Arrow fan is one happy girl!

Stephen Amell photo op at Boston FanExpo
Photo Op with Stephen Amell

Exiting the area, I saw a friend and we ended up wandering and getting lunch while our other friend got her photo. Our next panel was Boy Meets World. But before I found seats, I wanted to use the restroom. Mistake. In the back of the hall the two bathrooms were men’s rooms. Someone (probably male) at Boston FanExpo had the women using the one person only family bathroom. Half an hour later I finally got to use it.

Now, it was time for Boy Meets World. Myself and K wanted to see it, but K did not have VIP, so she couldn’t enter with me, but the rules didn’t say I couldn’t save seats, so I did. Unfortunately, the seat I chose for myself was right underneath a dripping a/c. I’m just glad it wasn’t consistent dripping. Of course, I panicked thinking I was going to catch something like Legionnaires, but Dr. Google said I would be okay.

Boy Meets World cast at Boston FanExpo
Boy Meets World Cast

The cast was about 15 minutes late, and the panel was only about 20 minutes long, but it was totally worth it. It was great seeing the people I grew up watching.

Stephen Amell’s panel was right after, K also wanted to see it, as well as S. When everyone but VIP was cleared, I saved K’s seat and the one on the other side opened up so I snagged that for S. Of course, I’m still stuck in the seat getting wet, and neither one of them was affected. Whatever, I was going to deal with it for Mr. Amell.

Stephen Amell Boston FanExpo
Stephen Amell

You can tell he genuinely loves his fans. At one point he even went into the crowd to hear a question directly from a woman who was too embarrassed to ask in front of everyone. So, he had her whisper it to him. And this is how we found out John Barrowman will be back in the final season and that Stephen will most likely wear another leopard print tiny bathing suit at John’s 60th birthday.

After the panel I grabbed an overpriced $5 pretzel and went to the VIP lounge to read for a couple hours while I waited for the cosplay contest. Yup, I brought a book and just chilled there for about 2 hours. This is usually when I would have gone back to my hotel room. Next year.

The contest was great. I’m just amazed by what people can put together. All of mine are commissioned, I can hardly sew on a button let alone do such detailed work.

Now it was time to go home. I decided to walk across the street and order my Lyft from the hotel so it was clear where to pick me up. Well, apparently my first driver was too lazy to make the left hand turn. I got the notice that he had arrived, except no car had pulled up. I then realized he’s probably at the street so I head down, but nope, no one pulled up to the curb. Then I see him. On the other side slowly making his way down with the hazards on. I now have 30 seconds to cross 4 lanes of road; not happening. My time is up and I get charged $5 for being a no show, which is bogus since I was there waiting. The next guy actually showed up at the hotel and got me home.

Day 3 – Sunday

Honestly, the only thing bringing me back on Sunday was one panel I wanted to see – Peter Capaldi. Otherwise I think I would have taken the day and just slept. I was exhausted by this point. I love Boston FanExpo, but sometimes 3 days can be too much. Anyway, my panel was at 4, but I got there around 10 to get his autograph and then hang out with a friend for a little bit.

Peter Capaldi is another great person. Some celebrities just say a hello, sign, and then next. He actually took the time and looked at my poster. He then noticed my TeeTurtle shirt with him on it. His comment: “I just love seeing things like that in the morning”, next was laughing at and liking my Doctor Who Mickey Mouse ears.

While his panel was at 4, I knew it was going to be a packed house, so I wanted to plan to make sure I got a good seat. This consisted of once again utilizing my VIP badge and sitting in the panels leading up to his. I walked into the panel happening at 12:30 and watched the last half hour of that one. When that cleared, I snuck up to the first row and grabbed a seat at center stage.

The 2pm panel was John Travolta. Apparently to promote his new small film he’s doing some conventions. While I’m not a fan, I was obsessed with Grease at one point, and Hairspray is one of my favorite musicals. So, I still enjoyed this panel.

John Travolta at FanExpo
John Travolta

At 3pm was Jennifer Morrison. Again, not a follower, but I did watch House and Once Upon a Time for a while. Do I feel bad for taking a seat from someone who is actually a fan? Yes. However, I learned the hard way that others utilize this strategy. I wasn’t being locked out of a panel again. Plus, I’ve seen some other great panels that I normally would have ignored.

Jennifer Morrison at Boston FanExpo
Jennifer Morrison

Now it was time for Peter Capaldi. He was actually on time, even a few minutes early. The whole panel is a blur at this point. I just remember sitting there going “I don’t really like the 12th Doctor, but man, he is a good person.” I’d love to sit down and have coffee with him. I’ve met other celebrities and not felt the same.

Peter Capaldi at Boston FanExpo
Peter Capaldi

Another year of Boston Fan/Expo complete. Overall, it was a good year. There were some let downs as some people cancelled, but that’s to be expected. There are things that need to be run differently, like the female bathroom situation. However, next year I’ll still buy VIP and get my hotel room.