Top 10 Essential Packing List for Any Trip

Cat in suitcase

Over my 10+ years of traveling I have come to notice that there is a standard set of things that I pack. It has come to the point where I’ve bought some duplicates of items just to keep in my suitcase just so I don’t forget them at home. Below is my top 10 essential packing list while I travel, plus a bonus.

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To short to read list:
1. Compression Bags
2. Noise Cancelling Headphones
3. Blister Band Aids or Mole Skin
4. Charging Cords
5. Wall Adapter
6. Portable Charger
7. Spare rechargeable batteries
8. Sunglasses
9. Nail Clippers
10. Reusable tote
11. Walking shoes

1. Compression Bags

These have been a life saver! Being a plus size traveler means my clothes take up more space in my suitcase, and when those clothes happen to be for cold weather? Bye, bye extra space. However, with compression bags I have been able to pack for week long trips in just a small carry on and still have some extra space. And with a checked bag, so much extra space for souvenirs!

I prefer the kind that you roll to get the air out, however these with a tiny hand held vacuum are getting good reviews. There is a bit of a trick to them. A) do not fill them, make sure that clothes only take up 1/3 – ½ of the bag at most. B) When rolling, have all clothes be at the top so there is space for the air to move out at the end C) Unroll, flip and then roll again. This gets all of the last air out.

2. Noise Cancelling Headphones

While it be on a flight or in a hotel room with thin walls, these are a must have for me. Not only will they block out annoying sounds, it will help save your hearing on flights. No more needing to turn the volume up to be able to hear what you are listening to. I highly suggest Bose, they specialize in sound and know what they are doing.

3. Blister Band Aids

I cannot tell you how many boxes of these I have. I would buy some, forget to pack them, and end up buying another box while on my trip because I would get the biggest blister ever! And trust me, a blister can easily ruin a trip. These are such an essential packing list item if you plan on doing a lot of walking. It’s a weird feeling to actual feel it pop and start draining while you are out and about walking…

4. Charging Cords

I do have a separate stash I travel with because I always ended up forgetting at least one cord. Now they don’t leave my suitcase. Right now my favorite brand in Anker. I use them for my Android phone as well as my IOS tablet. They come in bright red and grey as well as different lengths. I like the 6ft and 10ft because you will always be able to reach a USB or plug since not all hotels have one that can be reached easily.

5. Wall adaptor

Not all hotels have USB plugs, so I suggest always to have one available

6. Portable Charger

If you’re someone who uses their phone to take pictures or if you play Pokemon or Harry Potter Go while in a new place, I strongly recommend a portable charger. You will run out of battery quicker than normal. This is the one I currently use. It’s on the heavier side, but it holds a lot of charge. My friend borrowed it while we were in Romania for a week because she forgot a charger and it died on the last day with her using it during the day and me doing some quick charges when needed.

7. Spare rechargeable batteries

If you use an actual camera and not your phone, pack some extra rechargeable batteries (and charge them before you leave). I typically carry a point and shoot camera and have gone through 3 sets of batteries on one trip. Having these in my daypack has saved me on several counts.

8. Sunglasses

Trust me when I say that you will need sunglasses wherever you travel – unless you are headed North during the winter and it’s always dark. But there will be a day during your trip that you will need them.

9. Nail Clippers

You never know when you will split a nail and just need to snip it off.

10. Reusable tote

A lot of places in the US and most of Europe have banned plastic bags so having your own reusable tote to carry around gifts is a good idea. The one I have one that folds up to fit into the palm of my hand to just throw in my purse. I then pack an extra larger one in case I bought too much or something is too big and need to bring it as a carry on. I also stress buying a good one, I had a cheap plastic like one that I got at a convention that I brought to China. The handles ended up ripping after a couple days because the items I had bought where too heavy for the bag. In the end, I actually bought a small suitcase at a street market in Hong Kong just for my souvenirs.

11. Good walking shoes

Bonus item!

Okay, so these don’t live in my suitcase between travel, but is still an item that I keep on my essential packing list. With a good pair of shoes, you shouldn’t need Blister Band Aids. And I stress good that fit. I got “fitted” for a pair of walking shoes and after a day at Disney my ankles hurt so bad I could hardly stand up. Luckily, I had spares I could switch to. I recently bought a pair of hiking sneakers and, so far, I’ve done two trips with no blisters and very little feet fatigue.